Welcome to the
Ventura Local Agency Formation Commission
The LAFCo office will be periodically closed to the public as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Staff is primarily working off-site during normal business hours, and is available by e-mail:
Kai Luoma, Executive Officer | kai.luoma@ventura.org | 805-654-2575
Andrea Ozdy, Deputy Executive Officer | andrea.ozdy@ventura.org | 805-654-2866
Richelle Beltran, Office Manager | richelle.beltran@ventura.org | 805-654-2576
If you wish to contact staff by phone, please call the numbers listed above and your call will either be answered immediately, or your message will be returned shortly.
Thank you for your understanding,LAFCo staff
The Ventura Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) was formed and operates under the provisions of state law, specifically what is now known as the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000. (California Government Code Section 56000 et seq.). State law provides for LAFCos to be formed as independent agencies in each county in California. LAFCos implement state law requirements and state and local policies relating to boundary changes for cities and most special districts, including spheres of influence, incorporations, annexations, reorganizations and other changes of organization. In this capacity the Ventura LAFCo is the boundary agency for cities and most special districts in Ventura County.